Destiny 2 – First-Time Player’s Guide

Hunter and Titan from Destiny 2 prepare to fight

Destiny 2 – First Time Player’s Guide Having been released back in September of 2017, Destiny 2 has come a long way with three story expansions and the introduction of the Annual Pass. Now, starting out in this game can be a little daunting with the onslaught of information you receive, from a whole range […]

Monster Hunter World: How to Slay Kushala Daora – Tips and Tricks

kushala, daora, monster, hunter, world, title

Monster Hunter World: How to Slay Kushala Daora – Tips and Tricks After fighting through the horde of giant beasts and ferocious foes in Monster Hunter World, hunters will face their final test against the elder dragons. These monsters are extremely powerful creatures, each with a set of their own unique mechanics that will push […]

Monster Hunter World: How to Slay Deviljho – Tips and Tricks

Monster Hunter World: How to Slay Deviljho – Tips and Tricks Monster Hunter World title update 2.0 has officially launched, and with it comes one of the most ferocious monsters hunters have ever seen in the franchise. In the jungles of the ancient forest, the deadly brute wyvern Deviljho appears in the new world. Toppling […]

Monster Hunter World: How to Slay Kulu-Ya-Ku – Tips and Tricks

Monster Hunter World: How to Slay Kulu-Ya-Ku - Tips and Tricks

One of the earlier monsters that hunters will face in Monster Hunter World is Kulu-Ya-Ku. This trickster bird wyvern cannot fly, but makes up for it with powerful legs that allow it to move quickly, as well as jump huge distances to attack foes or scale the environment. Kulu-Ya-Ku is a bit of a kleptomaniac, […]

Monster Hunter World: Slaying Diablos – Tips and Tricks

Monster Hunter World: Slaying Diablos – Tips and Tricks The Monster Hunter franchise has always been well known for its steep difficulty curve and forcing hunters to always be on their toes when first confronting a new monster. Usually, the build of the monster can give hunters a good idea of what to expect, learning […]

Monster Hunter World: Slaying Jyuratodus – Tips and Tricks

Monster Hunter World: Slaying Jyuratodus – Tips and Tricks The Wildspire Wastes environment of Monster Hunter World might have the most diverse set of biomes in the game. While the majority of the map is a desert there is also a small forest, a series of caves underneath and a swamp area. These distinct areas […]

Monster Hunter World: Slaying Tobi-Kadachi – Tips and Tricks

Monster, Hunter, World, Tobi, Kadachi, Tree, Ancient, Forest, Blue

Monster Hunter World: Slaying Tobi-Kadachi – Tips and Tricks Monster Hunter World has a plethora of new monsters for hunters to tackle. One of the most anticipated on the roster is the Tobi-Kadachi. This quick and nimble fanged wyvern can climb around the environment and easily dance around the hunter, making it tricky to land […]

Monster Hunter World: Slaying Great Jagras – Tips and Tricks

Monster Hunter World How to Slay Great Jagras

Monster Hunter World: Slaying Great Jagras – Tips and Tricks Monster Hunter World is full of ferocious beasts and challenging battles that even the most experienced hunters may have trouble with if not properly prepared. However, the game does a fantastic job of leading players in the right direction right off the bat, and it […]

Monster Hunter World: Nergigante Tips and Tricks

Monster Hunter World: Nergigante Tips and Tricks Monster Hunter World launches tomorrow and hunters all over the world will embark on a new journey, full of new environments and challenges. New hunters may find this task a bit overwhelming at first, going into battle with massive intimidating creatures. The new flagship monster, the Nergigante, is […]