Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2

Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2 Premieres Tremere as the Next Vampire Clan

One of the methods for revealing new details about games that I really love is to give away contents in the same category with new updates, just like what Mortal Kombat did with its Kombat Kast streams and just like what Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2 is doing with its vampire clan announcements. After revealing Thinblood as one of the weak factions of the game and Brujah as revolutionaries in Seattle, the new trailer for Bloodlines 2 is dedicated to Tremere as one of the mysterious clans in World of Darkness.

The Tremere members once weren’t so populated, but now things have been changed in Seattle and Tremere sees more newcomers to its clan. The clan is mostly relied on its mentality on searching the secrets behind the Tremere’s blood and extract as much power as they can from it. They prefer knowledge to everything else, when it comes to finding new ways of gaining abilities and skills to fight against other factions and achieving immortality in life, which is the thing that Tremere members paid a hefty price to get it with their blood.

Just like every other clan, Tremere has its own disciplines that somehow represents the clan’s ranged attacks and abilities which affect opponents without getting closer to them. You can read them below:

Thaumaturgy: Few secrets are guarded more jealously by the Tremere than their signature Discipline: Blood sorcery. Followers of the Path of Blood gain almost unparalleled destructive power.

Auspex: Nothing stays hidden to those who master the Discipline of Auspex. By expanding their own senses beyond the boundaries of their bodies, these Kindred inch ever closer to their personal idea of perfection.

Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2 will be available in Q1 2020 for PS4, Xbox One and PC.

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