Overwatch – Upcoming balance for support Heroes


Overwatch – Upcoming balance for support Heroes The supports of Overwatch are going to be seeing some minor balance changes in an upcoming patch. Geoff Goodman, one of the Overwatch developers, took to the forums to drop some numbers for players, giving a heads up on how things will change. Support hero balance has long been a hot topic, and in […]

Overwatch’s new hero is Brigitte Lindholm


Overwatch’s new hero is Brigitte Lindholm Popular team-based first-person shooter Overwatch dropped its 27th hero, and she’s a support character packing a big ol’ hammer and shield. Brigitte will be the sixth new hero added to the game, and the first new Overwatch character in 2018. The daughter of defense hero Torbjörn, Brigitte previously appeared in an […]

Overwatch Gets A New Hero: Moira, A Support Healer


Overwatch Gets A New Hero: Moira, A Support Healer Blizzard Entertainment has just announced at BlizzCon 2017’s opening ceremony today the newest Overwatch hero Moira, she’s the 26th playable character. Here’s her kit, straight from Blizzard: Biotic Grasp Using her left hand, Moira expends biotic energy to heal allies in front of her. Her right hand fires […]

Killer Instinct on Steam to support cross-play with Windows 10 and Xbox One

Killer Instinct on Steam to support cross-play with Windows 10 and Xbox One Big news for Killer Instinct players on PC as the latest Content Update shares the confirmation that Killer Instinct players on Xbox One or Windows 10 will be able to play cross-network with players on Steam, as well. There is one small […]

Indie Developers Show Support for Nintendo Switch with a Surge of Upcoming Games

Nintendo Switch

Indie Developers Show Support for Nintendo Switch with a Surge of Upcoming Games The already robust library of Nintendo Switch games is about to get even more diverse. In a new Nindies Showcase, Nintendo detailed 20 of the many indie games that are coming to the hit console. • Super Meat Boy Forever from Team Meat: In […]

Overwatch: New hero revealed, Ana the support sniper

Overwatch: New hero revealed, Ana the support sniper Ana is a battle scarred veteran who supports her teammates from a distance using a unique and highly specialized collection of weapons. As a support character, Ana’s Biotic Rifle shoots darts that can heal allies or deal ongoing damage to enemies. The fact she can do this from a […]