Rumor: George R.R. Martin and FromSoft’s Elden Ring Leaked

Elden Ring Leaked Fromsoft GRRM Title

Rumor: George R.R. Martin and FromSoft’s Elden Ring Leaked It would seem that another one of Bandai Namco’s lineup has been leaked. Elden Ring is the name of the new title being developed by FromSoftware, creator of the original Souls Series, with Dark Souls III being released in March 2016 and Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice […]

Sekiro’s Progression System Departs from Soulsborne: Here’s What We Know

Sekiros Progression System Departs from Soulsborne

Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice presents an entirely new direction for FromSoftware. Fans of Dark Souls and Bloodborne will immediately feel at home with the gameplay style of Sekiro, but it also comes with its fair share of new and interesting features. No longer, for example, will players be able to change the ‘fashion’ of their character. In fact, players will no longer be able to create or design a character at all.

Instead we will play exclusively as the Wolf, a Shinobi warrior sworn to protect a young prince. The story details are still shrouded in FromSoft’s trademarked mystery, but details about character progression and development are coming to light. Today, we’re going to be taking a look at what we know so far about it, and how you can expect to change and evolve as you play through Shadows Die Twice.

Here’s How Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice’s New Hub Area Works

Here's How The Hub Area Works In Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice

Sekiro’s hub area, called the Dilapidated Temple, will be instantly familiar to fans of From Software’s previous titles. Areas like the Firelink Shrine and Hunter’s Dream are synonymous with Miyazaki’s distinctive influence. These areas provide a safe place for the player to upgrade and improve their character, and the same goes for the Dilapidated Temple in Sekiro. Today, we’re going to take a look at exactly what you can expect to find there.