Raid Debuts In The Division 2 This Week

The Division 2 Raid Update This Week

Tom Clancy’s The Division 2 has been keeping shooter-looter fans busy now for nearly two months with a substantial amount of updates enticing players to continue their onslaught to save D.C. However, there’s still one major component missing from the formula in which many players are craving – that component being the ‘Raids’ feature. Well, […]

The Division 2 Continues To Build With Third Major Update Incoming

Division 2 Third Update Delayed

Just over a month ago, Massive Entertainment and Ubisoft released their third-person looter-shooter sequel, The Division 2. The game has been praised overall for its innovations to the original game design, while beefing up the amount of content packed into the game day one. It seems that Ubisoft isn’t done updating their latest title, as […]