PS5 New Patent Reveals a Bit of Information on It’s AI

Next generation of gaming consoles is on the way and a lot of rumors hint that 2020 will be the starting point of 9th generation.

Although there are some speculations that Xbox will reveal it’s upcoming console earlier than Sony, most of the people in the industry believe that PS5 will be available sooner, in comparison to the next Xbox console.

Today, one of the youtubers has discovered a patent for PS5 that reveals some interesting information on Sony’s next-gen console. The patent is related to a kind of AI that will be used in PS5 to adapt to it’s users and recognize their tastes. Here you can read the full not on the aforementioned patent:

Generally, a video game and video game assistance are adapted to a player. For example, a narrative of the video game is personalized to an experience level of the player. Similarly, assistance in interacting with a particular context of the video game is also personalized. The personalization learns from historical interactions of players with the video game and, optionally, other video games. In an example, a deep learning neural network is implemented to generate knowledge from the historical interactions. The personalization is set according to the knowledge.

According to the explanation above, your choices in the games will be recorded and used as your preference, so that PS5 would be able to do the same things for you in other experiences to give you a better taste of a smart console. On the other side, AI also will do the same job to personalize a better UI for it’s users.

Although sometimes patents won’t feature in the final product, but it this one sounds applicable, as we see further usage of AI on different projects these days. Anyway, It’s not the first spotted patent for PS5 and probably it won’t be the last one.

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