
Hanzo’s rework is coming to Overwatch soon

Hanzo’s rework is coming to Overwatch soon

Today on the forums of Overwatch, Blizzard released a sneak peek of Hanzo’s rework, by revealing a preview of one of his new abilities. The reveal was made by Overwatch developer Jeff Kaplan, after Overwatch fans asked for a preview of the new Hanzo, since the Hanzo rework was something that both Blizzard and the community were talking about for some time now. Jeff Kaplan responded on the forums by giving fans a work-in-progress name for the new verison of Hanzo’s Scatter Shot, beign now called Rapid Shot.

Along with the name reveal he also said that Hanzo will now have a dash, allowing him to make distance between him and his enemies. This should make up for him losing his scatter arrow, but the developer also revealed that Hanzo will get to keep his Sonic arrow, which will be getting a buff.

Jeff Kaplan said the following:

“Sonic arrow cooldown is significantly faster while the radius and duration have been slightly reduced,” Kaplan added when asked about sonic arrow changes. “End result: you can move it around more.”

Jeff Kaplan also included in the preview, some concept art of what Overwatch’s VFX and animation team are planning to implement in the Hanzo’s rework, with a caveat that the finished Hanzo could have completely different animations. It may look flashy, but Kaplan notes that’s the point – opponents need to know what kind of attack Hanzo might be preparing at any given time.

The only question that remains is when these changes will be added to the game – since these features are still being developed, there’s no exact date of when fans will get the rework. Hopefully the reworked Hanzo will arrive on the PTR server in the coming weeks, so gamers can try them out themselves.

Check out the concept art of the Hanzo’s rework:


Comicbook/wwg said on their website:

“This new version of his current Scatter Shot ability is just part of Hanzo’s rework as well. He’s also getting an altered Sonic Arrow ability that comes with the trade-off of having a “significantly faster” cooldown while having a reduced radius and duration. Hanzo is also getting a dash ability that Kaplan confirmed is still part of the rework plans.

It’s not known at the moment when the Hanzo rework will officially hit the PTR for PC players to test it, but it’s been said by Blizzard in the past that April was the target month for the changes, so expect an update to hopefully reveal his rework sometime soon.”

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