The Evil Within 2 ‘Wrathful, Righteous Priest’ Trailer

The Evil Within 2 ‘Wrathful, Righteous Priest’ Trailer

Shrouded in mystery, Father Theodore has remained an enigma…until today. Along with Stefano, Theodore is one of the human “monsters” who have made their way into the new STEM world in The Evil Within 2, and he’s finally ready to reveal his message to the masses, a message that promises a “righteous” fury and immolation to those who oppose him. Sebastian will need to survive the wrath of this master manipulator if he’s going to have any hope of finding Lily and escaping the nightmare of STEM.

Theodore has his own reasons for being in STEM that are separate from Mobius’ goals, which he sees as misguided. Though what he’s actually after only becomes apparent as Sebastian becomes more entangled in his world. Like Stefano, Theodore isn’t alone in STEM, although unlike Stefano – who commands the gruesome and terrifying Guardian and Obscura – Theodore’s main helpers aren’t creatures he created. Referred to as Harbingers, they are normal people whose minds Theodore has bent to his will. These Harbingers wield flamethrowers and seem to exist solely to carry out Theodore’s fiery will, burning any who would stand in the way of his pursuits.

The Evil Within 2 will launch worldwide Friday the 13th, October 2017 on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.

Check out the Trailer:

“He’s certainly charismatic,” adds writer Trent Haaga. “He uses the same sorts of techniques as a lot of cult leaders. It’s called neuro-linguistic programming. It’s the way in which you speak to somebody and the words you choose and the way you seem to be benevolent. You make them feel like you’re trying to help them, when in reality you’re just serving your own purposes. This is the very essence of what Theodore does.”

And it’s the very essence of how he seeks to exert his own control over not just the citizens of Union, but also Sebastian.

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