Toys for Bob Officially Announces Xbox Partnership

Toys for Bob

Spyro and Crash Bandicoot developer, and newly independent developer Toys for Bob recently announced that it has partnered up with Xbox to publish its next title, confirming a recent rumor. The game is “still in very early development”. In a recent announcement, Toys for Bob announced that it is “in the early days of developing […]

Spyro the Dragon Trilogy remaster possibly teased

Spyro the Dragon Trilogy

Spyro the Dragon Trilogy remaster possibly teased Today, a mysterious package was delivered to IGN, possibly teasing the remastered version of Spyro the Dragon Trilogy, that contains a purple egg and a purple card along with it, that has the text, “Something’s about to hatch,” signed by “Falcon McBob.” This name is tied to the […]

Shadow of the Colossus Giveaway Starting Today!

Remasters, Spyro, Shadow of the Colossus, Mass Effect, Commander Shepard, Top 10 List,

Shadow of the Colossus Giveaway Starting Today! Welcome to Gaming Instincts TV in this Lucian will be going over top 10 Remasters that will probably never see the light of day. With the release of Shadow of the Colossus Remastered for the PlayStation 4 – GamingInsticntsTV has decided to do a game digital code copy […]