Adam Wolfe Episode 4: “Zero Hour” Available now on STEAM

Adam Wolfe Episode 4: “Zero Hour” Available now on STEAM Final Chapter of Neo-Noir Adventure Has Troubled Protagonist, Adam Wolfe, Discovering the Final Paranormal Clues to Find His Sister Allie. Since the game’s Episode 1 launch, Adam Wolfe has captured the interest of HOPA players from around the world. Episode 4 will serve as the […]

Virginia Now Available, Launch Trailer

Virginia Now Available, Launch Trailer The Publisher 505 Games has released the launch trailer that shows us the characters and atmosphere of this unique experience. Game Description: Virginia is a single-player first-person thriller set in a small town with a secret. Experience a missing person investigation through the eyes of graduate FBI agent Anne Tarver. […]

Chase: Unsolved Cases Investigation Division

Chase: Unsolved Cases Investigation Division It’s going back quite a number of years now, but the DS and its dual-screen format helped deliver some intriguing narrative-driven gaming experiences. Fans of interactive storytelling with a grown-up approach may recall three particular DS releases that provided some notably stylised narratives on the portable: Trace Memory, Hotel Dusk: […]