Hearthstone: Rastakhan’s Rumble Announcement Overview

Hearthstone: Rastakhan’s Rumble Announcement Overview After the excitement of Blizzcon has died down and the first expansion card reveal stream was unveiled, it is the opportune time to analyze the upcoming expansion releasing for Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft, Rastakhan’s Rumble! Set in the deep jungles of Stranglethorn is the Gurubashi Arena where tribes of Troll […]

Blizzcon 2018: New Expansion Rastakhan’s Rumble Coming to Hearthstone

Rastakhan's Rumble

Blizzcon 2018: New Expansion Rastakhan’s Rumble Coming to Hearthstone Blizzard Entertainment announced in BlizzCon 2018 after some technical difficulties, the new expansion coming to their popular card game, Hearthstone, called Rastakhan’s Rumble, where the main theme of the expansion is a tournament held by the trolls, that didn’t had a strong presence in Hearthstone. Hearthstone […]