Hands On with Kobolds and Catacombs Dungeon Run

Hands On with Kobolds and Catacombs Dungeon Run Springing in a burst of surprise at Blizzcon comes new announcements from the Hearthstone developers. Though the reveal of the Kobolds & Catacombs expansion was not surprising, it is interesting to see the new “Dungeon Run” single-player experience being implemented within the game. Both these grandiose developments […]

Hands-On with Overwatch’s Moira and Blizzard World

Hands-On with Overwatch’s Moira and Blizzard World Questions underlined the upcoming expected release of Overwatch in Blizzcon’s opening ceremony. Jeff Kaplan, Director of Overwatch, excited fans with the releases of a Blizzard Entertainment themed map appropriately named Blizzard World, though the majority of hype surrounded the reveal of the new support hero, Moira. With the […]