Call of Duty Modern Warfare Solo Coop Campaigns

Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare Co-op Story Will Continue Directly After Single Player Story

After the official unveiling of Infinity Ward’s Call of Duty: Modern Warfare we’ve been uncovering some exciting details about the game. Earlier we learned that the multiplayer will feature crossplay support and that zombies won’t be making an appearance in the game. Another bit of detail pertains to the single player/co-op portion of the campaign – and it seems like a game changer.

During the same interview with Campaign Game Director Jacob Minkoff who gave us the information that zombies won’t be featured in Modern Warfare, we also got a snippet of info regarding the campaign – both co-op and single player. Minkoff goes on to explain “that the single-player storyline goes directly into the co-op storyline. No stop. The events just continue.”

So once players finish up the single player campaign mode, they’re then able to hop right into the co-op portion of the game and continue the story where it left off in single player. It’s an interesting concept that seems exciting on paper, but leaves a few questions lingering. What if the solo campaign player doesn’t wish to engage with others but want’s to finish off the entire story, not just the solo endeavor? It’s a risk that, may not seem very problematic at the moment, but could leave a few players ultimately unsatisfied.

However, it does seem like a unique approach to co-op. It’s interesting to have what seems like separate campaign modes and will continue to be an intriguing topic of conversation up until release date.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is set to release on October 25, 2019 for the PS4, Xbox One and PC.

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Source: PlayStation Lifestyle

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