
New Video Shows 20 Minutes of MediEvil Gameplay

Nostalgic gamers felt shivers of anticipation run through their spines last Halloween, when the remake of 1998’s MediEvil was revealed in full to the gaming public. Now, those anxiously awaiting the remake of the beloved action-adventure hack and slasher can enjoy twenty minutes of exclusive new gameplay footage, courtesy of Playstation Access.

The video, available on YouTube and viewable below, showcases the Scarecrow Fields level of the game, a place of fond memories for those who played the original MediEvil.

First announced as a remaster of the original MediEvil at the 2017 PlayStation Experience, the full reveal in 2018 confirmed the title a full remake, and not a simple remaster. Wishing to keep most elements from the original game intact, the developers conducted much research, and even went so far as to extract level geometry from the original MediEvil. Importing this geometry into the remake’s engine, the team then used it to serve as a reference for placement of level elements and assets. Recycled original dialogue into the remake will also help preserve the atmosphere of the 1998 version of MediEvil.

MediEvil’s story features the skeletal protagonist Sir Daniel Fortesque, who begins his adventures with only his own detached arm as a weapon. Fortesque’s quest for redemption sees him attempting to restore peace to the fictional kingdom of Gallowmere and defeat the undead army of evil sorcerer Zarok, who wishes to claim Gallowmere as his own. Throughout the game, players battle enemies ranging from the mundane to epic bosses that provide a challenge all types of gaming fans can sink their teeth into.

MediEvil launches on October 25, 2019, exclusively for the PlayStation 4 platform—just in time for Halloween.

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