My review (Gaming Instincts) - 10/10
This is a certified banger.
Other reviews
PlayStation Universe - David Carcasole - 10 / 10
RPG Fan - Jerry Williams - 95%
RPG Site - Junior Miyai - 10 / 10
TechRaptor - William Worrall - 8 / 10
TrueGaming - خالد العيسى - Arabic - 9 / 10
VideoGamer - Tom Bardwell - 10 / 10
Worth Playing - Chris "Atom" DeAngelus - 9.5 / 10

Shadow of The Erdtree Review | Gaming Instincts
Shadow of the Erdtree is the best send-off Elden Ring could have ever asked for. This is not just a DLC, this is a full fledged expansion!

This is a certified banger.
Other reviews
PlayStation Universe - David Carcasole - 10 / 10
Elden Ring: Shadow Of The Erdtree is far more out of an expansion than I ever thought it would be, and my expectations were already a little high. While I have personal gripes with what I see to be missed chances, that doesn't stop it from being spectacular on the whole. This expansion feels like it fully completes Elden Ring, a game that already felt like a whole project, in a way I didn't even know it needed to be completed. I can no longer imagine Elden Ring being without Shadow Of The Erdtree, almost like the Realm Of Shadow was there the whole time.
RPG Fan - Jerry Williams - 95%
An exemplary addition to Elden Ring.
RPG Site - Junior Miyai - 10 / 10
Shadow of the Erdree is an excellent expansion to Elden Ring. Poison swamps, giant swords, and fingercreepers return, better than ever.
TechRaptor - William Worrall - 8 / 10
Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree is the lore and gameplay continuation that we all needed. The new challenges and a feeling of nostalgia help propel this DLC into the stratosphere.
TrueGaming - خالد العيسى - Arabic - 9 / 10
Shadow of the Erdtree represents what we liked with the original content but with more meticulous designs to the map and a great variety of new weapons. A befitting comeback to this masterpiece.
VideoGamer - Tom Bardwell - 10 / 10
Shadow of the Erdtree is a sensational companion to the base game that feels remarkably fresh and a subtly progressive evolution of the Elden Ring formula.
Worth Playing - Chris "Atom" DeAngelus - 9.5 / 10
Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree is everything one could want from an Elden Ring DLC: a huge new area to explore, new bosses to fight, new weapons to try, and new lore to unravel. It is a genuine joy to play and easily one of my favorite DLCs of all time. Its quality is high enough to even justify the $40 price tag. If you like Elden Ring, then Shadow of the Erdtree will give you everything you could want. If you're a newcomer, it's probably best to play through the game first before taking on the DLC. After all, Mohg, Lord of Blood is only the beginning.
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